Auction Date 10:00 AM Saturday, 29 March 2025Auction Venue On siteTHE HOME - This character filled home known as “Hillview” was constructed in the 1920’s and represents an early example of a Californian Bungalow. The home is tired yet loaded with many original features including, high ornate ceilings, inbuilt fire places and stained glass windows making the restoration process a joy. There are 3 large bedrooms, the kitchen is original and hosts an upright gas stove and there are oversized living areas. Lovely timber floors boards grace the entire home. This magical place has been let go over the years and is ready to be returned to its former glory. Heritage Listed.THE LAND: Perched prominently on a whopping 856.2sqm block of land which may lend itself to further development (Subject to Council approval). Land: 15.95 x 53.39 Zoned: R4 High Density ResidentialMake this unique opportunity your next project.Canterbury Council Heritage - precaution has been taken to determine the accuracy of the above information however, all interested parties are to rely on their own inquiries and professional advice.
Inspection Times15-Mar-2025 9:30AM to 10:00AM22-Mar-2025 9:30AM to 10:00AM29-Mar-2025 9:30AM to 10:00AM
Call: 02 9750 3999
Mobile: 0419 282 758
Mobile: 0478 742 813